Tag: neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity and CVI with Lotfi B. Merabet, Optometrist and Neuroscientist at The Laboratory for Visual Neuroplasticity
My husband and I first met Lotfi Merabet at the 5th Annual Perkins CVI Symposium, but we were aware of his research in neuroplasticity and Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) long before then. He took part in a very interesting panel discussion and we later had […]
Inspiring TED Talks and Videos about Visual Impairment and Neuroplasticity
A list of inspiring and educational videos about visual impairment and neuroplasticity featuring neuroscientists and other experts such as Lotfi Merabet, David Eagleman and Norman Doidge. For more education and resources, visit our Resources page. 1. Blindness is Just Another Way of Seeing by Lotfi […]