For parents who are interested in centers for pediatric rehabilitation, we are building a list of the ones that appear to be going above and beyond. As we come across exceptional pediatric rehabilitation centers around the world, we will add them to this list. If you have had a truly wonderful experience at a center with great outcomes, please contact us so we can look into adding it.
Clínica Neuroreabilitar

After extensive dedication to studies in this area, Neuroreabilitar implemented an innovative service for science-based physio training. They developed a treadmill with partial weight support specific and exclusive for Neuroreabilitar. This equipment allows children of different functional levels to benefit from locomotor activities.
Visit their website at neuroreabilitar.com.br and see their videos at facebook.com/pg/neuroreabilitar/videos.
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabiliation Hospital
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is Canada’s largest children’s rehabilitation hospital. Here you will find a highly extensive list of services—from Early Learning and Development to Brain Injury Rehab, Infant Development and everything in between.
Visit their website at hollandbloorview.ca and see their videos at facebook.com/pg/HBKRH/videos.
United Arab Emirates
High Hopes Pediatric Therapy Center in Dubai

High Hopes is a new and innovative specialty rehabilitation center in Dubai serving children with super special needs. Experienced therapists from around the world join together as an interdisciplinary team to help your child maximize their potential.
Aside from physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy, they also offer vision intervention services by a Perkins-Roman CVI Range© Endorsee.
Visit their website at highhopesdubai.com and see their videos at facebook.com/pg/HighHopesDubai/videos.
United Kingdom
Tx Group

Tx Group is the UK’s leading provider of private professional therapy services. With more than 20 established therapy brands, Tx Group offers a client-centred environment for people across the UK. Their services include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, orthotics and more.
Visit their website at www.txgroup.co.uk.
United States
NAPA Center

NAPA Center was founded by Lynette LaScala in 2008 after spending years traveling the world to find the best pediatric therapy for her son. Now, NAPA has grown into a world-renowned pediatric therapy center; attracting patients worldwide with our innovative and proven therapy programs. Their passionate and experienced child therapists have helped over 4,000 children through individualized therapy sessions.
Visit their website at napacenter.org/napa-boston and see their videos at facebook.com/pg/NAPACenter/videos.
If you have had a truly wonderful experience at a center with great outcomes, please contact us so we can look into adding it or share your story below.