This post is part of a mini blog series documenting four weeks of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy (CIMT).
During today’s Constraint-induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) session, Ben used several of my daughter’s favorite toys (red Elmo toy, Mardi Gras necklaces, gift ribbon) and she reached out to feel them. I’ve noticed that she now opens and closes her hand when motivated (a big challenge for her), and can lift her arm up and past midline when she’s lying on her back.
Before leaving home to Manchester, UK, I had spent a lot of time thinking about what to bring along with me. Packing for a baby with special needs sure isn’t easy, especially one with both motor challenges and Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI).
I had been feeling nervous about forgetting something important that we might need during our month-long stay for the CIMT program. It was necessary to pack all the items she uses on a daily basis. For example, her yellow spoon and shiny red bowl. Her red bath sponge and yellow cup. Her exercise ball and floor mat. And all the various items that are meant to help her build visual behavior: light table, red Mardi Gras necklaces, black blankets, red party streamers for the wall, Elmo toy, Big Bird toy and light-up piano.
I knew the team at the CIMT center would have plenty of sensory activities planned for my daughter. But I also thought it may help to bring some of her favorite toys that I know she can see. On the first day of her CIMT program, I brought a bag full of objects that might come in handy. I’m so glad I did because they have!
Below are just some of the items I brought along with me. Some have been more useful than others. The light table, sippy cup, red gift ribbon and Mardi Gras necklaces have come in handy during the CIMT sessions.

If I could only choose one item to bring, it would have been the light table due to my daughter’s visual accessibility needs (Cortical Visual Impairment) and how useful it was when paired with some of the sensory activities the CIMT team had planned.
Click here for a list of activities and tips for using a light table.